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Sports Psychology



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broader thinking


Sport is played with the body and won with the mind. Sport psychologists help athletes uncover resources to deal with sports’ many challenges, or teach mental skills to sharpen minds. Both approaches are excellent, but science, like life, moves on.


Science develops through frames guiding knowledge. As more science is done, more problems are found in the frames and they move on to frames without those problems. Old frames are never wrong, new frames just have more ways to help.

The most progressive psychologies join with sociology. And so are three-frames moved on from the ones sport psychologists use. Psychology without sociology is like understanding a person without understanding the world around the person, which is like using a coffee granule to explain the cup of coffee: too much is left out and you don't see what's important.

BroaderThinking is then, a new sport psychology. We are scholar-consultants using our research, published in the strongest academic sport journals, invited to thirteen leading universities, with many excited testimonies from some of the world's best coaches.



Advanced Sports Performance Psychology

Advanced Sports Performance Psychology

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Golf Balls

You provide the players and coaches with unique ways of creatively solving problems they always face, that I’ve never seen before.


Dr. Itay Basevitch, Anglia-Ruskin University (U.K.).



There is a giant disconnect... between the laboratory producing sport psychology knowledge, and the everyday real-life where sport happens. One is clinical, pure, and very controlled, but the other is complex, messy and very uncontrolled. 

Laboratory, knowledge reduces to tiny parts. If the parts are any bigger or there are too many, they can’t be accurate or be trusted.

The quality of the parts is never in question... but the size and use of them are. For it's never clear how the parts connect; what parts are most important; how many parts are needed; how changing one part changes the whole; or how parts change in real-life.


A lot, lot more information is needed. As well, because the knowledge comes from the laboratory, it is assumed true, and so always has to be done in the laboratory way. It is then, really hard for athletes to adapt.




 What we all think...

 - development

 - coaching

 - sport

 - exercise

 - learning

 - relationships

 - and even performance is,

 ..what they actually are!


It would be good then, to have "something"

explaining this help you do that.


In everyday real-life, thousands of unseen realities affect what happens, what people think and do, and so what is supposed to happen but rarely does.

If we had a dollar for every time.. we heard about an athlete or team that:

   didn't perform as well as they do in practice, didn't "seem to have it  

   that day", felt they’d turned into a robot, stopped seeing any fun,

   worried about making mistakes and being shouted at, spent the one

   night they have off a week at the physio, and didn’t have some sort of

   deeper anxiety brought on by sport... we’d be long, long retired.

Sociology joining psychology, explains unseen realities. This approach has transformed all human sciences because the focus moves from the individual, to the world around the individual and back, so people no longer have the problems they thought they had before.

So when science states X or Y, coaches and athletes also see.. a, b, t, d, m, o, k, l, r, h, e, z, q, and many, many more, and depending on the situation make better decisions.

Broken down in user-friendly ways.. our education interventions are proactive ways for flexible thinking; re- thinking what you do; or broader thinking: see-more, think-broader, do-better.



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Tennis Match

If a coach and staff were willing to experiment with this work, even a small bit, there would be instant waves on their team fostering dramatic change.

Andy Holmes, Power 5 Football S&C Coach

What we offer

Advancing Sport Psychology Video Platform

Taking advantage of the latest technologies, access our channel of easy-to-find-and-use video bolstered by a range of interactive, flexible and fluid learning resources. Pick and choose your learning and development. Module one - Revealing more. Culture as an applied sport science is below. A further eleven modules coming soon.

Athlete and Coach Workshops, Clinics, Learning Communities

Sign up to register in an athlete and coach workshop/clinic where specific issues or problems are “workshopped”, or where athletes and coaches bring their own issues to clinic, and solutions are guided by our theoretically-inspired coaching tools: advanced ways for thinking and doing. Groups of any size, in-person or online...adjust to your needs: feel free to suggest!





Sign up to register in one of our Learning Communities. Think of these small communities (max no. 8 to ensure personal, intensive, deep learning) as an Athlete/Coach Book Club/Reading Group, meeting at mutually convenient times: read, think, discuss, debate, learn, read again and so on.

Cost: 6-week term $300 (run over 12 weeks)





There's no reason coaches can't learn basic mental skills and also the many, many hidden issues around applying them more effectively, so their athletes are less reliant on sport psychs. Sign up to register in one of our coach learning groups (max no. 8 to ensure personal, intensive, deep learning).

Cost: 6-week term $300 (run over 12 weeks)

Watching your children deal with sports many pressures, is far from easy. If athletes are to trust their coaches, how can parents support and advise their children in helpful ways. What can they do?

As mental health, injuries, excessive anxieties rise in sport, these issues have never been more pressing. Sign up to register in one of our parent learning groups (max no. 8 to ensure personal, intensive, deep learning).

Cost: 6-week term $300 (run over 12 weeks)

Sport Psychology Consulting

We are not counsellors. We advance mental skills training to a re-thinking how we do sport, by using the most progressive psychologies (wide science) crossing all high-performance sports settings and sciences as we go.


Research is clear, development is a lot more effective when it involves exploration, discussion, relating content to one’s own context or point of view, problem-solving, ongoing reflection, experimentation, safe failing and adaptation: broadening thought and using knowledge, not being given it or “being-told-what-to-think-and-do.”


Our consultations then, can happen in any number of ways: online or in-person, individual or group, adjust to your needs, you suggest.

Cost: $150 per hour for one person


“This has been the best class offered to us at the entire school 

because it's changed what I thought was possible.”

Rachel Wilson, Sport Psychology Grad student, University of Denver

It's only been three weeks and I'm such a different coach already,

I look back at the coach I used to be and I'm horrified."

Christian Davis, Lacrosse, Houston, U.S.

“I'm just trying to work out how we get this work to the athletes and

coaches in the high schools and colleges.”

Derek Schmidt, Volleyball, Colorado Springs, U.S.



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